child(Submitted by Dean Recksiedler and Sonia Aslam) It’s another reminder to keep an eye on your children if you’re keeping the windows of your home open during this warm spell.

A two-year-old girl is OK after falling out of a second-storey window last night on Saanich Street in central Abbotsford.

Constable Ian MacDonald says the toddler, luckily, landed on some grass below. “What happens is people think about child-proofing their homes for certain conditions and then warm weather rolls around and then we all start cranking those windows open and so, this is one of those seasonable reminders and obviously an important one.”

MacDonald adds the only adult in the home was busy changing the diapers of a younger child when the toddler climbed up on the couch, lost her balance and then went through the screen of the window.

“If she had fallen on concrete, obviously, the outcome could have been quite different. She was shaken up but not seriously injured.”

He is reminding moms and dads that screens don’t provide any protection and you should teach your children about safety around the house.