longwayhomeWaThe Chilliwack Branch of the Anavets, the Canadian Army Veterans, and many others are getting set to welcome a group of walkers who have been on the road from Nipawin Saskatchewan, raising awareness about post traumatic stress disorder.

The group, called the Long Way Home, will be in Chilliwack tomorrow afternoon.

Kate MacEachern was seriously injured while serving as a soldier and says for a long time was in denial about having PTSD.

She says she started the Long Way Home walks because she realized there were others in the same boat.

“There’s a lot more people out there like me. There’s a lot more people that need to understand. Conversations need to start about post traumatic stress disorder, about the journey back from injury.”

There will be a big welcoming reception at 4:30 at the Chilliwack airport, and anyone is welcome to attend.

MacEachern says the support is overwhelming, since when she started these walks she wanted to make a difference even with just one person.

“One person standing at the end of the line that understood, that gets it. Understands what PTSD is, and that’s all I’ve wanted for four years. So hearing that there’s a few people in Chilliwack that are waiting for us, the fact that there’s more than one person at the end of this that understands and gets it, you have no idea how much that inflates all of us and gives us back anything that’s weary or worn out.”

The walkers will be taking the Prest Road exit and walking down Chilliwack Central, taking a left turn at Broadway and ending at the Chilliwack Airport at 4:30 pm.