CONWAY(From Abbotsford Police)

James William Conway age 40, is the subject of a public notification issued by the Abbotsford Police Department.
Conway is 193 cm tall (6’4″) and weighs 109 kgs (240 pounds). He has brown hair and blue eyes. (See photo)
He resides in the Abbotsford area.
Conway has a criminal history that includes multiple convictions for Sexual Assault and Sexual Interference, Arson, Mischief and Failure to Comply with Court Order and Breach of Recognizance.
Court Ordered Conditions:

If you see this individual in violation of any of the conditions listed below please contact your local police agency immediately.

Not to leave residence (electronically monitored 24/7 curfew) except when in the company of an approved individual and for an approved purpose
Not engaging in any activity that involves contact with persons under 18 years of age including communication via computer
Not engaging in any activity, work or volunteer work that will put you in contact with persons under 18 years of age
Not to attend any park, playground, school yard, daycare centre, community centre or public swimming area or any other site which offers activities for persons under 18 years of age
Not to attend any establishment where alcohol is the primary commodity for sale
Not to wear or possess uniforms, including but not limited to, police, fire, corrections, search and rescue, security guard, nurse or any patch or insignia that represents these occupations
Not to travel on public transit unless accompanied by an approved adult
Not to consume alcohol, intoxicants or non-prescription drugs
Not to possess any weapons, firearms, imitation firearms, ammunition or explosives (the only exception is knives used for the preparation or consumption of meals)