harrison fire(News1130 and StarFM) The Village of Harrison Hot Springs is telling people the the nearby Wood Lake fire poses very little danger to campers.

You can see the smoke from the village, but Carolyn Janousek with the Visitor’s Centre says the wind is blowing away from them.

“The air quality is fine. We’ve had a lot of people phoning and emailing us asking us about the situation and we just tell them, just like I said, the wind is carrying the smoke down the lake and away from the village.”

She says there were a few campers who had to move, but for the most part travellers are unaffected.

Janousek says her job right now is mostly calming fears.

The fire has grown to at least 650 hectares in size since Sunday afternoon, but the good news is that the wind didn’t pick up as much as expected on Tuesday and with some showers in the forecast today, firefighters will hopefully get a better handle on the blaze.

The fire was human caused, and as the Wildfire Service said, was completely preventable.