mcphersons-headshot_webSeonaigh is an experienced teacher, educator, consultant, and sustainability expert who’s ready to deliver the change we need as the next MP for Chilliwack-Hope.

As part of Tom Mulcair’s New Democrat team, she’ll deliver results that matter to our communities:
-Protecting our lakes and rivers by strengthening environmental laws Stephen Harper gutted.
-Tackling household debt with plans for more affordable childcare and housing.
-Improving veterans’ services to ensure dignity for CF/RCMP vets and their families.
-Keeping family farms viable, starting by strengthening risk management tools.

Seonaigh has dedicated her 30-year teaching career to helping vulnerable children and refugees, environmental sustainability, economic development and social equality-and she’s ready to take those priorities to Parliament.

Seonaigh worked on educational projects in the Indian Himalayas in the 1990s before becoming a university professor. Here in Canada, she was President of the Adult ESL teachers’ association in Manitoba (TEAM) and Coordinator for ELSA (LINC) teachers and programs serving newcomers to BC on behalf of ELSA-Net (now LIST-N).
Having earned her PhD from UBC in 2000, Seonaigh is now Department Head of Adult Education at the University of the Fraser Valley. She also runs a successful consulting business that specializes in curriculum design and adult skills development with contracts on major provincial and federal projects.

Seonaigh has authored two books, Education and Sustainability and Human Rights Education for Families, as well as over 25 peer-reviewed research articles. Her work has earned her dozens of awards, including a Government of Canada Award for Research on Sustainability.
A dedicated volunteer, Seonaigh has served on numerous provincial and national immigrant language projects and agency boards, including Alberta-based John Humphrey Centre for Peace & Human Rights and the Manitoba-based Mauro Centre Doctoral Program in Peace & Conflict Studies.

Having worked across Canada and around the world, Seonaigh is proud to call Chilliwack her home. When she’s not hard at work, she enjoys gardening, shopping at Minter Gardens and walking the Rotary Trail with her beloved dog, Tashi.


Twitter: @seonaighmac
