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(Submitted by Mike Lloyd)  There are 40 days to go in the federal election campaign and while the most recent polling suggests it is still a tight race between the top parties, it’s not good news for the Conservatives.

Checking the overnight data from polling company Nanos, the Liberals stand at 33 per cent among decided voters, the NDP at 31 per cent, and the Conservatives trail at 26 per cent.

The nightly poll for CTV and the Globe and Mail also looked at the potential to pick up votes and found the Conservatives have hit a new 12 month low at 35 per cent, well behind the the NDP and Liberals (51 per cent and 49 per cent each).

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau used a campaign stop in Toronto this morning to unveil his party’s policy on social housing, promising tax breaks to developers and funding for landlords to renovate.

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair made an announcement about protecting auto sector jobs in southern Ontario and Conservative Leader Stephen Harper will make an announcement about payroll taxes in the same area today.