Divisions of Family Practice LogoWith the growing population in the valley, it’s getting tougher and tougher to find a new family doctor.
Enter the Mission Division of Family Practice. Dr. Carol Pomeroy says they have a new attachment clinic open in Mission.  It’s all part of the “A GP For Me” initiative. 

“How it works is, patients who don’t have a family physician can phone in, or they can drop by and they can talk to Kimberley Bonk (our medical office assistant)  and she will book them an appointment with one of our family physicians.  The patients can see a family doctor and we’ll take care of their medical needs while they’re at the clinic, and we’ll also work to find them a family doctor who will take them on.”

Since the attachment clinic opened 2 months ago, they’ve seen over 300 patients, and 23% of them have so far been connected to a new family doctor.  Bonk says it’s been heartening to see such a great response.

“One lady was in tears because she was so thankful to have met and seen a doctor that she thought was so kind and caring.  There was an elderly lady that found a doctor.  She was so happy because she felt comfortable and thought she could trust the physician she had seen.”

In addition to the Attachment Clinic, the Mission Division of Family Practice has launched a central online registry called FETCH – For Everything That’s Community Health.  FETCH will provide patients with easy access to information about all of the health care resources available in the community.


Our Community Liaison Tania with Christa from Mission Division of Family Practice at the new Mission Attachment Clinic
Our Community Liaison Tania with Christa from Mission Division of Family Practice at the new Mission Attachment Clinic


To make an appointment at the Mission Attachment Clinic or to find out more about the Mission Division of Family Practice’s other health initiatives, call 604-820-1021.

People who want to get involved can look for the hashtag #myhealthmission on Twitter, and Pinterest.

They also have a Facebook Page.