Photo credit: NEWS 1130
Photo credit: NEWS 1130

(Submitted by Martin MacMahon) The Conservatives are hitting back at the Liberal plan to boost the family reunification program.

Much of the Conservative criticism is directed at prior Liberal governments.

“The previous Liberal governments made all of the same kinds of promises, and they left a system with seven and eight-year wait times,” said Conservative candidate Jason Kenney.

At a morning news conference to respond to Justin Trudeau’s plan to allow more parents and grandparents to come to Canada to join their relatives, Kenney spent much of his time pointing out that more immigrants arrive overall per year under the Harper government than previous Liberal regimes.

“We’ve increased overall immigration levels by over 20 per cent, on average admitting 258,000 new permanent residents per year.”

Kenney claims new immigrants actually like limits on family reunification, due to the issue of fraudulent marriages.

“We’ve cracked down on fraud,” said Kenney, who didn’t provide concrete statistics about how often people tried to get into the country by using fraudulent marriages.

Kenney also claims Trudeau’s plan will slow down the application process.