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(Submitted by Alison Bailey) How much of an issue do you view health care in our country, and which of the federal party leaders do you think would do best in managing it?

A new poll looks at our access to general physicians and how that influences which way we are leaning ahead of the October 19th vote.

Shachi Kurl with pollster Angus Reid says if you’re having trouble finding a doctor or getting to one, you’re more likely to look to Tom Mulcair and the NDP.

“Health care is a strong leadership point for Mulcair… He is picked by most Canadians as best to be trusted to protect the principles of medicare.”

Those who have a GP and can get to him or her easily, are generally more inclined to cast their ballots for the Conservatives.

But Kurl points out health care doesn’t seem to be as burning an issue as others, such as the economy. She adds with the election so close, every issue has the potential to affect the outcome.