Photo credit: Delta Police
Photo credit: Delta Police

Abbotsford Police say they understand that people in the Bradner area aren’t OK with convicted sex offender James Conway living in the neighbourhood, and the city is trying to correct that…but by no means should people be trying to take justice into their own hands. He says there’s been a string of vandalism at the home, some of the cases involving water.

“One was when the water valve was actually concreted in….someone actually went to the trouble of bringing in concrete.  No sooner was that dug out, than someone in the dead of night, early Saturday morning climbed into the attic and created tens of thousands of dollars in property damage after they let a hose run through the attic that ultimately collapsed the ceiling.”

He says they’ve spoken to neighbours, who say they don’t condone this vandalism…it appears the people doing this may live out of town.

“One of the troubling aspects of posting a numeric address many, many kilometres away from the neighbourhood and letting everyone from outside know that there is a convicted sex offender living at that location is it’s an open invitation for others outside of that neighbourhood to take things into their own hands.”

Police will now be installing cameras outside the home, not so much to monitor Conway, as to monitor those doing the vandalism. Macdonald says anyone caught could be arrested and face criminal charges.