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Chilliwack RCMP say scammers don’t really care about boundaries, and they’re warning people about a telephone scam regarding the Canada Revenue Agency.  In each case, the potential victim gets a call from someone claiming to work for the CRA….the caller accuses them of owing income tax and demands the person pay up right away using a credit card.  It seems like a no brainer to question anyone asking you for credit card info over the phone, but people have fallen for the scam.  

“Police have recently experienced a rash of such complaints in Chilliwack.  The thieves are convincing, but the RCMP reminds everyone, CRA officials will not threaten court charges, jail, or deportation to scare you into paying debt. The CRA does not request prepaid credit cards,” said Cpl. Mike Rail.

Police continue to investigate these frauds and urge anyone receiving telephone calls from agents claiming to be from the CRA to contact the Chilliwack RCMP at 604-792-4611.

To confirm you have been contacted by a CRA representative the public is encouraged to call the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 for individual concerns or 1-800-959-5525 for business- related calls.

Learn how to protect yourself from being a victim of fraud by visiting the CRA Website at