Photo from UFV Today blog
Photo from UFV Today blog

The photo of a 3 yr old Syrian boy whose body had washed up on a beach got the world’s attention. But it represented a crisis, a civil war that’s been raging for almost 5 years, and has displaced millions upon millions of people. But what can we do? How can we help as a country, or as individuals? Fiona MacDonald is moderating a free forum at UFV today (TUE) called “Caring About Crisis”. The panel will feature experts on everything from political science and history to media studies.

“We also have somebody from Abbotsford Community Services.  She’s someone who has come to Canada as a refugee herself, and now works with immigrants and refugees.  She will be able to give some practical information for those who want to know what they can do.”

She says most of the questions they get on the refugee crisis revolve around the area of responsibility.

The forum is from 11:30-1 today at the Abbotsford campus Student Union Building.