bust2 bust1Following a seven month investigation into an alleged drug trafficking ring based in Chilliwack, the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit has arrested seven people and seized over five million dollars in drugs.

Sergeant Lindsey Houghton says this is a significant bite out of the drug trade.

“You know we’re talking double digit kilos of cocaine, of buff or cutting agents, and perhaps most importantly and disturbingly is the amount of Fentanyl that we were able to seize. We’re talking close to 15 kilos of Fentanyl powder and pills.”

Police have been issuing warnings about drugs being laced or cut with Fentanyl, a toxic synthetic opioid more potent than heroin.

Houghton says one quarter of the 300 drug overdose deaths in BC were because of Fentanyl.

Houghton says although there are only a handful of people in Chilliwack associated with the alleged drug trafficking ring, the group is believed to be connected to a number of organized crime groups throughout BC.