produce(Submitted Alison Bailey) It may not be great for us to eat, but the co-owner of a local animal sanctuary in Langley says there is another way for large stores to get rid of old food without wasting it.

Diane Marsh with the Happy Herd Farm Sanctuary would like to see a law being introduced in France, brought in here.

The law in France is meant to cut down on the amount of edible food that ends up in the trash.

Marsh says she’s asked several big box stores for leftover produce for the cows, goats, lambs, and pigs she looks after.

Sometimes one location will decide give her old food, but other locations of the same chain won’t, and end up composting it themselves.

“I’ve approached that same big box store in a different location and they say no, head office has told them they’re not allowed to. And it’s a shame because most of this produce is good enough for animals to eat, but just not good enough for humans to turn around and buy and spend money on,” says Marsh.

She says sanctuaries like hers desperately need the produce.

Marsh adds she suspects the low dollar is impacting the amount of food stores are bringing in to begin with.

She’d like to see a similar law be brought in to one in France that makes it illegal for large supermarkets to throw out food that is still edible.