Are Shopping Carts The Reason You Spend More At The Grocery Store?
by natasha.belyea on July 26, 2022, 12:07pm. PST
Are you the type of person who goes to your local Walmart, or Grocery store for a few items, but ends up with a shopping cart full of stuff you didn’t plan on purchasing?! The trick may be not grabbing a cart!
Consumer researchers have observed that most customers will only grab as many items as they can carry. Whether they use their hands, a basket or a cart will depend on how much they spend. The need to fill the basket or cart is something we may do without even realizing it. This may encourage some businesses to provide its customers with a large selection of carts and very few baskets. It is thought that some businesses may carry even LARGER carts for this purpose. A study done by found that when a cart was double in size, consumers spent about 40% more!
So next time you head to a grocery or department store for a few things, grab a basket at the door.