Community Cruiser - June 16/17th
by justin.sulpico on June 15, 2018, 01:06pm. PST
On Saturday, look for the Country Cruiser at the Fraser Valley Trout Hatchery (34345 Vye Road) from 8am to 1pm for their Family Fishing event! Admission is FREE. This event will give families a chance to try their hand at fishing. Attendees will be able to see what the Trout Hatchery is all about, learn from expert volunteers, and a chance try their hand at fishing at the many ponds on the hatchery grounds.
On Sunday, the Cruiser will be at Heritage Park in Mission (7494 Mary Street) for the annual Fathers’ Day Car Show from 9am until 4pm. Admission is also FREE. The Car Show is in support of the Mission Firefighter Charitable Society! If you have a ride that you are wanting to show off, registration is $15 at the gate.