A Facebook friend shared this on her timeline about a scary incident that happened in Abbotsford. This can happen ANYWHERE, so as she says, be vigilant. ~ Chris & Jess.

7 Oaks Shoppers Beware! This morning i was in the mall walking behind a sweet little old lady probably betwen 70-80 years old. She was walking with a walker.
Right beside her was a very busy little asian man probably 50-55 years old. He was talking a mile a minute to her. Patting her on the back and motioning for her to go with him. She kept waving her hand at him like “Go away.” But he was so persistant. I would say there wasn’t 6 inches between them.
It just didn’t look good to me. I took a risk and walked right up and asked if she was ok. He tried talking to me, and i got in between the two of them so i could separate the two. I asked her, “Do you know this man?” He is starting to step away. She says “I can’t hear so good, but he keeps trying to be my friend but i don’t need him for a friend. He won’t go away.”| At that point i looked at him and told him to go away and to leave her alone. I told her i would walk with her for a minute until he was gone. He bolted out the door of the mall.
I told her he was gone and she said she was fine and thanked me over and over, and we went our separate ways. I saw a securtiy guard and told him what had just happened, hoping that whoever that man was, they find.
Not sure what his motive was, but my heart says he was up to no good. The way he was trying to control the way she was walking and the direction he was trying to make her go.
Just be careful if you are alone, or if elderly use caution! <3 I just cannot get my mind off that sweet little lady.


Nice work Jimi.  Proud to have you in our community. ~ Chris & Jess

Filed under: 7 oaks, community, scary