The last couple of days have left us a bit worn out and one little one under the weather….but we won’t be stopped! We packed up our  bags and hit the road yet again.  A quick 3 hours and we were going to be at hat creek so we thought we would try a couple of car games to keep the kids busy….the classics like eye spy,  make the animal noise, and spotting wildlife.  Dad saw a cow, mom saw a horse…but our older daughter won since she saw a “Pampoo”!? It took a few kilometers but we figured it out.  She saw a Panda bear that was eating bamboo. Oh kids.  Well not to long after that the fell asleep all the way to Hat Creek.  A Parent Miracle!

On arrival we woke the kids up, which they totally loved, and started checking out the Hat Creek Ranch historic site.  Hat creek was one of the  Road houses on the Cariboo wagon road to the Barkerville that had a working farm as well.  Weary Travelers would stay in the road house on their way to striking it rich.   What astonishes me is that when all the others burnt or just dissolved back into the ground…this one somehow survived.   Well as soon as the wee ones saw the stage coach and animals it was on.  They pet the horses, road the stagecoach, chased the chickens (or the Balck Balcks as the little one called them), smelt the pigs (wow), and even got to feed the lambs.

Since it was getting quite hot out we retreated to the roadhouse, where we wondered through the parlor, saloon, and various other rooms. Which still have the old wallpaper on the walls. Even got to see the kitchen with an original Thomas Edison light bulb that has been on for over 25  years and apparently will go for over a hundred. Well we were all getting pretty tired so we finished off our excursion in the Native interpretation site where the kids got to bang on drums, explore a sweat lodge and even play in a Kekuli (underground house) which was really nice and cool.  No one wanted to leave but it was time to call it and head to the cabin in their campground and then dinner at the Visitor Center.

Thank you Hat Creek Ranch and of course O’Connor RV for another great day on the road!   Don’t Forget to enter the code HAT CREEK for your chance to take your family on the same Road Trip Adventure as us.



Filed under: road trip, road-trip