
When a human being is deemed dangerous or aggressive, they usually get a mugshot. Well, the FVRD has brought in a bylaw that requires something similar for dogs. As of January 1st, for any dog deemed aggressive or dangerous by animal control, the owner has to provide a photo of the dog. Jennifer Kinneman with the FVRD says the photo can be very helpful.

“When they are responding to incidents in the community, it just provides them with that additional information so that they can readily identify a dog that may be aggressive or dangerous and they are able to approach that dog in an appropriate manner.  It also provides protection for the dog’s owner from false accusations.”

She says this has nothing to do with targeting specific breeds…it’s all based on behaviours and past incidents.  Owners of these dogs also have to pay more for licenses in areas where licensing is required.  There are some Electoral Areas of the FVRD where licensing isn’t needed, but the doggy mugshot bylaw still applies.