abbyPD312It was a crazy afternoon in Abbotsford on Thursday, when multiple schools were locked down. It started when some young men showed up at a house near Robert Bateman Secondary and threats were made to the person in the house, who alerted police. Cst. Ian Macdonald says those young went back to the school, and not only Bateman, but surrounding schools were placed on alert at that point.

“At the end of the day, we took four young men into custody, we’ll have to see what charges they might face.  But this is a very serious incident…we had probably 30+ police officers at Bateman Secondary alone, we had hundreds of worried parents, we had thousands of students who had their day interrupted.  So certainly it’s a serious issue and we will continue to investigate.”

All the schools were let out by 3:30, and no one was hurt, and Macdonald is thanking the public, and the school district for their cooperation.