REaCHIt’s no small task, to resettle an entire family from Syria…you need to factor in housing, food, clothing, healthcare, child education, interpreters…and that doesn’t even include the emotional support you’d need to give.  Yet it’s a task that many people are more than willing to take on. Most of the sponsorship is being done through churches and other organizations, but there is a provision that allows a group of five people (G5) to take on the responsibility.  Five women from Chilliwack have formed a group called REaCH (REfugees and CHilliwack), and are trying to bring a Syrian refugee family here. Amber Price, who works at The Book Man, says they’ve had a ton of community support, both in donations and in encouragement.

“I want to celebrate the fact that people from all walks of life, all ages, all political backgrounds, are finding common ground.  To me, that’s one of the most inspiring things that I’m witnessing.”

She says it’s important to pay it forward.

“Not being First Nations myself, I am the descendant of people who immigrated to this country, and I know that my parents coming here was wonderful.  We are all immigrants and refugees in a way and I feel like extending that generosity out makes sense in a time of crisis and insane need…the desperation these people are going through is undeniable.”

Julia Dodge is another member of the group, and says the application process is already underway…they need to raise $30,000 just for the first year, but from what she’s seen so far, this will be very doable.

“This experience for me has been so overwhelming and it’s been such a great reminder of what we all have in us to give….some of us may be in a position to write a cheque, others may have goods, others may have skills, like teaching people languages, or providing support for children who are in a brand new community.”

She says they are working with a faith based organization which is acting as a middle-man in the application process.  The first step is an interview to make sure that they understand the seriousness of this undertaking, and that they’re able to raise funds and provide all the supports for resettlement.  Then, they go through a profile list of various families.

She says they can have the paperwork as soon as this week, and the government has been working hard to move the process along.

Daris LaPointe, Debbie LaPointe and Eleasha Sabourin are also involved, along with a number of other people that have been helping.

In terms of fundraising, the women have been overwhelmed by random people just walking up to them and giving them money for this.  But they do have a GoFundMe Page set up that you can donate to, and they also have two fundraising events coming up.  Louis De Jaeger has donated his restaurant Bravo for December 8th at 6:30pm.  Tickets are $150…it includes wine, food, speakers and entertainment.  The other event is December 16th at Society Gathering House.  Tickets for that one are $25.

If you’re looking for cheaper way to donate, two elementary schools are also making Snowflakes for Syria!  They’re available for purchase at The Book Man.  You can buy one for $2, and put it in the front window display to create a ‘Flurry for a Family’.

Any other services you can provide for a family, be it hair cutting or even dentistry, would be welcome.