The stolen scooter is similar to this one, but has a roof and a windshield
The stolen scooter is similar to this one, but has a roof and a windshield

It’s bad enough to steal a mobility scooter from a senior citizen who needs it, but it sounds even worse when you consider that that senior citizen is a war veteran and had his scooter taken just a few days before Remembrance Day.
83 yr old Bert Wiebe had met a man named “Kevin” at the local Legion last Friday, when he was doing an interview with the local paper about his service in Korea, and “Kevin” apparently took a liking to him.   They got to talking and it came up that Bert’s scooter had a broken front headlight.  “Kevin”  said he could fix the headlight. They went back to Bert’s home and that’s where he says the theft took place.

“Then I gave him the keys to turn the power on and went for a smoke….next thing I knew he was gone and the scooter was gone too.  I’ve known him for a little while, although I only knew his first name.  I thought he was an OK guy.”

He says the scooter is his only way of getting around, and it’s worth $5000 so he can’t just go get a new one.
Kevin is described as white, in his 40s, 5 foot 8 with short brown hair. The stolen scooter is a red Pride Scooter, which had a roof.

Anyone with information about this theft should call the Abbotsford Police Department at 604-859-5225 or text APD at 222973 (abbypd) or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477