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APD file photo

Abbotsford Police have issued a public notification about a convicted sex offender living in the community.  65 yr old Gary Reid Hoare has a criminal history that includes sexual offences against children, and has been convicted for repeatedly breaching court ordered conditions.  The following is a list of conditions, and if you see him breaking any of these, you need to call police right away.

Court Ordered Conditions:

” Not to contact or communicate with, or be in the presence of any female child under 16 years of age (or reasonably appears to be under 16 years of age) except as necessary for a commercial transaction in a store.
” Not to attend any public park, school ground, daycare centre, swimming pool, playground, skating rink, community centre or recreation centre where persons under the age of 16 are present or might reasonably be expected to be present, unless you are in the company of an approved adult except for attendance at a professional sports arena or stadium for scheduled games.
” Not to seek or accept any employment or volunteer positions that may allow access to children.
” Not to possess, own or carry any weapons including firearms, imitation firearms, crossbows or explosives.
” Not to possess any knives except for the immediate consumption of food.
” Not to leave the Province of British Columbia without permission from courts or probation officer.
” To immediately advise probation officer of all intended or ongoing close or intimate sexual and non-sexual relationships and friendships with males and females that have parental responsibility for children under 16 years of age.