
People adore their Netflix….so much so, that some are being duped by a new email scam. The email is from someone claiming to be from Netflix, warning that your account will be suspended unless you update your banking information. Cst. Ian Macdonald says there’s been a slew of reports locally, of people having fallen for it. But he says if you know what to look for, it should become obvious.

“Sometimes there’s those tell-tale signs.  I would put at the top of that list, look at where your response would be going if you did hit reply.  It may say ‘Netflix’ as the sender on the incoming message, but strangely enough if you were to hit reply, Netflix is not part of the equation.”

Abby Police got 6 reports in 2 days from people, and that doesn’t include those who either deleted the email, or were duped and didn’t report it. Macdonald says this follows a recent scam involving someone claiming to be from the Canada Revenue Agency.

They have made Netflix aware of the problem.