black-bear-50293_640Despite increased signage and public warnings, bear/human conflicts are still a big problem in the District of Mission.
Rebecca McMurray with WildSafe BC says 4 bears have already had to be destroyed in Mission this year, and people leaving out their garbage is still a huge reason why.

“There were over 1000 calls to the COS (Conservation office) from Mission last year regarding black bears, and 246 of those were related to garbage.  So, if we take out all of the calls that were just sightings, and just look at the calls about bears getting into attractants, garbage related incidents would account for 53% of the calls.”

McMurray delivered a presentation to Mission Council yesterday. The district is looking at ways of tackling the issue, including a new Waste Management Bylaw that could include fines for people who leave their garbage out the night before and attract wildlife.  She says if it’s not a bear getting into the garbage, it could be a raccoon, which is also food for….you guessed it….bears.

Of course, she says garbage isn’t the only attractant.  With the early berry crops this year, it means more fruit for them to get at, and it’s important to pick your fruit trees and not leave anything laying on the ground.