thomas cheneyMy Background

I have been interested in environmental and social causes since I was young. I also believe in working towards a balance of various goals, namely economic prosperity with environmental protection. Because of my interest in these matters I completed a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies and a Minor in Economics.  Currently, I am completing my Masters Degree on climate policy and renewable energy.  In my spare time, I garden and read.


Why I Am Running

When it comes to the critical issues of our time, it’s clear now that Harper’s Conservatives have been moving our wonderful country in the wrong direction for far too long.  The government’s stubborn failure to act in the face of accelerating climate change has put the economy, environment, and general welfare of our nation at terrible risk today, with even worse ahead for our children’s children.   I seek to be elected as the next MP from Chilliwack-Hope, and will do my utmost to serve our constituency as someone who loves Canada, who’s committed to keeping our future bright for all, and who can bring to policymaking in Ottawa a firm grasp of some of the toughest technical issues before us at this historic juncture.

If elected, my two main priorities will be, first, to move our economy toward a more sustainable foundation whose prosperity benefits everyone, not just the few; and, second, to tackle climate change by jumpstarting the necessary transition from disastrous reliance on fossil fuels to the exciting new era of clean, renewable energy.

Canada is better positioned than many other countries to lead the world in the renewable energy technologies and resources that will dominate the next century, but to get there our nation must take decisive action at the local level starting today.  The green energy economy is already generating more new jobs in Canada than the fossil fuels sector, and this trend will only accelerate. In this region, for example, we have many opportunities in small-hydro, solar, and energy efficiency industries.   But our region and  province need to get on board, and fast, if we want to keep these jobs at home rather than see them drift off to Fort McMurray, Fort St. John, or permanently offshore.   In Ottawa, I will do everything possible to give Chilliwack-Hope a head start here, with policies that encourage local small- business innovation and cooperative enterprise investment in the most promising areas.

Strong local infrastructure will matter to our successful transition as well, and the transportation grid is one of the basics.  To that end, I will work to secure investment in public transit for our area, which includes improvement of the Fraser Valley Express bus service and restoration of service to downtown Vancouver by the inter-urban line.

At the national level, we need to address the root causes of some big economic problems before us.  We should reform the monetary system to reduce debt.  We should monitor trade deals more carefully to ensure that they won’t lead to net job losses in Canada.  In my view, NAFTA and the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership undercut the future of Canada’s middle class and blue-collar sector, and should be revisited and tightened.

As you might expect from a Green, I also bring a range of bold ideas to better protect our nation’s environmental security by restoring and rehabilitating, as much as possible, the underlying ecosystems that drive our industries, health, and future opportunities.  To offer just one example here, as your MP I will take action to protect the viability of the world salmon population by banning fish farms and restoring habitat protections that the current government has gutted.

And speaking of Harper’s regime, it has quietly and steadily chipped away to undercut governmental transparency, openness and established democratic practices in Ottawa and across the nation that are vital in any functioning democracy.   I will work to reverse the damage done, and will enthusiastically support smart electoral reform in favor of proportional representation so that every Canadian’s vote counts.

This is a big agenda, I realize, but I am ready and eager to take it on, bringing both my personal drive and youthful energy, on the one hand, and my advanced degrees in environmental studies, climate policy, renewable energy, and economics.  This is, I believe, the necessary background for tackling some of our key challenges in Canada.  Combined with those skills I will bring to each challenge the Green Party’s positive, pragmatic vision of a Canada that is environmentally secure once more, that leads the world in the next big thing, the renewable energy economy, and that makes sure no Canadian is left behind in the exciting transition ahead.

My name is Thomas Cheney, and I would be honored to receive your vote in the coming election.

The Greens have a different vision of Canada, a Canada that works better together. To learn more about our campaign in Chilliwack-Hope, please visit
