GODDARD pic1The Ministry of Justice has released a public notification about a high risk offender back on the streets, and he’s well known in the Abbotsford community.  25 yr old Jeffrey Goddard has committed a string of offenses for everything from luring a child on the computer to impersonating a police officer.  Most of his offenses took place in Abbotsford but corrections says this time he plans on living in Vancouver.  He’s getting out with no fewer than 22 court ordered release conditions, and he should be called in immediately if he’s seen breaking any of them.

Goddard is subject to close monitoring by authorities and 22 court-ordered conditions including:

-You must obey a curfew between the hours of 9:00 pm and 6:00 am
-You shall not communicate directly or indirectly with anyone under the age of 18
-You shall not establish, maintain or access any social networking sites, websites or webpages
-You shall not attend at any park, school, day care, pool, playground, skating rink, community centre, or recreational centre
-You shall not possess, use or access directly or indirectly any electronic device that is capable of accessing the internet including but not limited to cellular phones, computers, computer gaming consoles, blackberries, or any personal digital assistant
-You shall not possess any weapon