UFV president Mark Evered

The University of the Fraser Valley and the City of Abbotsford have begun a consultation process as the first stage towards developing a long term plan for a UDistrict around the UFV campus.

UFV president Mark Evered says with 10 000 students attending the university there is a need for a walkable and liveable neighborhood.

“I think that we have to look at the kind of residential development, the kind of commercial development that meets the needs of the very large market that we have here on campus.”

Mayor Henry Braun says the City will not be directly involved in the development other than providing a master plan, but says he’d like to see the residential units be affordable for students.

“I have met with a number of investors, some foreign, that are prepared to invest in rental accomodation in and around this area. My understanding is we only have 200 rental suites in this immediate area, which for 10 000 students is not very much.”

Braun says the City will be engaging in consultation with the community and especially with students, and then will take the feedback to flesh out the long term plan.