medicalpot3Over the last couple of weeks a court has heard from both sides regarding a court challenge against the federal law making it illegal for people to grow their own medicinal marijuana.

Abbotsford lawyer John Conroy has been front and centre in the court challenge and says none of the evidence in support of the law was unexpected.

“We had a fire chief who went on about the fire issues, mostly in Surrey. And with some evidence of licensed people not complying with bylaws and so on, which we encourage everybody to comply and be properly inspected.”

Conroy says inspections are fine as long as the issue of confidentiality is addressed.

“In terms of the stigma attached to cannabis and also it being a health question. So you’d think that the local governments would be able to come up with a procedure where confidentiality can be maintained. Because certainly our case is about people being inspected, having everything checked out properly and not presenting any kind of risk to your neighbors whatsoever.”

The court challenge says that the law infringes on the rights of low income people who can’t afford to purchase medicinal pot from licensed producers.

Conroy says both sides will submit final arguments in the coming weeks, and then it will be in the hands of the judge.